Today I am 28 weeks. Which means I am officially entering the third and final trimester! I can't believe how quickly things have gone...seems like it was just the other day I was blogging about us finding out we were pregnant.
I had a follow up appointment with my doctor yesterday. I am measuring 28 weeks and have gained a total of 16 lbs so far. Her heartbeat sounded good on the doppler. My glucose tolerance test results were normal. I have no signs or symptoms of pre-eclampsia (blood pressure normal, no protein in urine, etc.). So overall, looks like we are continuing to have a happy and healthy pregnancy.
I feel her move all the time and now we can actually see her move. It is kind of crazy to see little bumps in my belly, but I like it. In an email I read from the baby center website, it says she is able to blink now and has eye lashes too. The website says she is about 2 and 1/4 lbs. I just love the thought of her growing and developing and hope I have done all that I can to give her the best home.
We are making progress in accumulating baby gear. We have purchased a white, wooden high chair that I found on Craigslist. We ordered the glider for the nursery and after seeing the fabric swatch, I think it is going to match her room perfectly. I have bought a couple clothes for her here and there (of course), mostly 0-6 month things because that is what she needs most. I ordered her a vintage baby blanket/quilt off Etsy that hasn't come in yet. My Sister has a bassinet and rocker that we can use. We will pick up furniture this month depending on when the armoire will come in which should hopefully be at the end of Jan. I am excited about the baby shower this month (Jan. 22nd) and also about maternity pictures which my friend Ashley is going to do for us the first weekend in Feb. :)
Anyways, that is an update on us. Counting down, we have any where form 9-12 weeks to go!
You look so cute Megan! Can't wait to see you at the end of the month and again in February! :) Hope your New Year is off to a great start! What a great year it will be for you guys! :)
Megan, you look so happy sweetie. Your going to be a great Mommy. I can't wait for her to get here. Wonder who she is going to look like? Brown hair, green eyes. Red hair, brown eyes ???? hmmmmm
Thanks Ash! I can't wait to see you too! I have some ideas for us with our photo shoot. :)
Thanks Momma B! Will be such a special day when we all get to see her! I can't wait. :)
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