Friday, May 22, 2009

Journal & Calendar of Summer Events

So my sister told me I need to blog more regularly and suggested that I start blogging about my thoughts so that I can look back on them like a journal. Well, I am not as good with words as she is and I don't really feel like I take the time to just sit down and write. The blogs that I have been posting on a weekly basis- I feel rushed to get them done after the weekend. But today...I am not going to rush and I don't have a single pic to post so I apologize if it ends up being really boring!

Some important things going on with Forrest and I (mostly for summer)

  • This past week I have been working part-time instead of full-to get ready for school.
  • This coming Wednesday is an all-day orientation.
  • Things checked off my to-do list for school: Immunizations, health and physical report, criminal background, scrubs/uniforms ordered and monogrammed, lab coat and polo shirt ordered, paperwork completed and faxed, financial aid....
  • Things I still need books, stethoscope, nursing shoes, laptop and PDA software, plus a few more things that just seem to come up
  • Nursing school starts June 1st.
  • My birthday is June 3rd.
  • Dad's birthday is June 16th, and Grandpa is June 17th
  • Our two year anniversary is June 23rd
  • Bless's bachelorette party in Dallas is June 27th
  • Fourth of July- Beachhouse Crawfish Boil
  • My sister comes home in July...she is going to come here one weekend and we are going to go to Houston to visit Morgan.
  • Sister's birthday is July 17th
  • Bless & Davids wedding is July 25th
  • My sweet little Reagan Marie is turning 1 on August 6th
  • Summer semester ends August 10th
  • Stefanie's bachelorette party in San Antonio that following Thur. during my school break
  • Then her wedding August 15th and hopefully meeting up with the Bowmans in Boerne.
  • Mom's birthday August 30th.
I really hope I can do all of these things....I mean of course there are some things on that list that are a must, but I just don't know how stressed I am going to be with school. I am so anxious/nervous/excited about starting but just don't want to miss out on important events. I know it might seem like I am overwhelming myslelf but people don't realize that I have to study hard to make good grades. They don't come easy to me and I know I am going to be in a class with a lot of really smart students. I am comfident in my abilities BUT I know that it won't be easy! Wish me luck! :)


Snider Family said...

phew, what a busy summer! But I know you will get it all done! It actually sounds pretty fun and exciting, alot to look forward to! Especially around the 12th of July!! :)

ryan and danielle said...

you sound super busy! glad we will be able to steal some time with you guys before all the chaos begins!! trust I definitly know how you feel with a full calendar, but I am sure you will get it all done! and you will do fabulously with school, you ARE a smarty pants! :)

Unknown said...

Thanks Sister and Danielle! Yes definitely looking forward to the summer. I know summer is usually busy for everyone and yall know what I mean! Thanks for the support with school...I will keep yall posted once I start! :)
