- Growth & Development:
- Weight: 8 lbs 4.5 oz
- Height: 20.5 in
- Head: 14.25 in
- Still wearing newborn clothes and diapers; some 0-3 mo fit but a little big
- Bats at toys
- Gazes at and follows objects and faces
- Looks to see where noises coming from
- Lifts and holds head for few seconds (while holding her)
- Smiles :)
- Schedule:
- 6am wake up, eat, play on play mat, sleep
- Repeat throughout day but wake time spent in carrier, rock n play, swing, boppy pillow, mommy lap, our bed, bath, really whatever will entertain her!
- Begin cluster feeding around 6pm
- Evening spent with Daddy
- Bedtime between 9pm - 10pm
- Wake at 2am for dream feed, right back to bed until 6am
- Favorites:
- Moose, carrier, baths, rock n play, windows, mornings
- Few Firsts:
- Met my Sister & Reagan
- Play date (Garrett & Leah)
- Grocery store trip, shopping trips, nail salon, restaurants
- Stroller ride (bluebonnet festival)
- Easter
- Church service
- Milestones:
- Sleeping longer through the night
- Takes pacifier
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
2 months ago