Friday, July 31, 2009

Disaster Training

This week for nursing school, we had Diaster Training which lasted two full days and taught us how to respond in the event of a disaster such as a hurricane- when hundreds or thousands of evacuees/victims evacuate to B/CS and may be in need of medical attention. The nursing students last year were called in for Hurricane Ike and the Health Science Center decided it might be a good idea to train us in case it happens again. Here are a few pics of the training:


Donna Homire said...

Babybird......Mommabird is so very proud of you. You are such a hard worker and your grades just prove how driven you are. Looking at these pictures and knowing in a few years how your degree in nursing is going to be so completely different not to mention your career. Here I thought you would grow up to be some sort of fashion designer but now I see you were mint to be much more that that. Good Luck and Best Wishes

ryan and danielle said...

wow that looks intense! glad that you are getting some training considering you may be involved in some type of disaster relief. hopefully not, but ya never know!

Unknown said...

Thanks Momma Bird- You are so supportive and always have been!

Thanks D! And you're right, you never know! :)
